2012. december 11., kedd

No more negativity!

Hey guys *^^*

Wooooot so fast with posts, right? hahaha

Today I reserved a d.i.a. cardigan on gyarucomsales , and I'm so happy now T3T/ One of my christmas gifts and it will be here just in time ~~~ I'm also planning to buy a CRAZYTRIBE T-Shirt from Black Diamond's online shop. This one:

My plans are always changing though. LOL.

Also, I visited my hairdresser today, not many changes, but still nice :3 I have to finish the pink colouring for myself :3 I will post some pictures once it's done ~

I will spend Christmas in the countryside with the whole family, I can't wait Missing all my family members and friends there TT

Long story short, I can totally feel happy now, although I still have some sad moments. I just tell myself "no" and move on. That's the best thing i can do ^____^ and now, preparing for next week's Japanese exam ~~ 
byebye guys ~
I'm out ~

2012. december 9., vasárnap

Back to the basic

Hey guys!

I know, I know, I haven't been blogging much again...but I just couldn't get myself to write about all the things that are happening...

I experienced the fact again : if God is closing one door, he is opening a window.
Important people are walking out of my life and it's not easy, but ca. the first time of my life, I gotta think about myself first. Giving up one year of love and more than 2 years of best friendship isn't that easy anyways... I just can't take people lying to my damn face. And not even for the first time.

Thats why I'm so thankful for Sziszi, my angel , it feels like she's my everything now ;;
She was the window God opened for me after closing the window of lies in front of my eyes.
Just thank you.

To those who didn't know, B2ST's Doojoon was actually in my country for one week for the shooting of IRIS 2. Me and my friends were outside every day watching them and it was so much fun! I got to know a lot of amazing people. Missing you guys! :D
The last day we went to the shooting, one of the staff members actually asked us to be a part of the walking 'crowd' so maybe we will appear in IRIS 2! XD LOL. Amazing week, seeing Doojoon from like 1 m , and I dont even mind that I was waiting 15 hours at the airport. LOL NO. it was hellllllllla funny.

One day after the shooting, I had to go for an interview with Sziszi. We were asked to talk about Japan and the US for a site called Dining Guide. I also invited one of my classmates from uni. It was much fun!

FREE FOOD! Sakana Burger *-* (the restaurant we went to is called Manga Cowboy, a mix of Japanese and American western culture. lol, pretty chill)

 I also went to eat sushi few times:

Things weren't that boring last week, on friday, Sziszi and I took a part of a small Japanese street fashion show. They were searching for gyaru models S.O.S so my friends suggested me and I suggested Sziszi. Thank you guys, it was awesome, haha. No pictures yet though. :3

That's all for now :)

I'm out ~

2012. november 19., hétfő

No title :)

Hey guys,

sorry for disappearing for a couple of days again. This isn't the best time of my life, to be honest.
First of all, I've been visiting two doctors so far, and today I visited the third one..I have to do the blood test again, have to go for EKG and X-Ray... Gosh... And I'm afraid. I've always been afraid of any kind of things that doctors do. So my own doctor sent me to blood test and stuff fist, they found something so they have to check if there's anything wrong. (It's about my kidney.) I have to take two kinds of vitamin, (one is for pregnant ladies O___O) because I don't really eat, so those will help, hopefully.

I'm also having a hard time studying ;______; exams are coming up and I'm so confused, I dont know where to start. I've been concentrating only on Japanese so far, so I'm completely fucked with all the other subjects. Wish me luck ;;

Otherwise, I've been feeling ok :"DDDDDD No, not really. I even had thoughts about leaving gyaru. For a couple of days. I started to do this because I was really happy and it made me more happy, and I wanted others to be like that too. But now... I can't do that anymore. I cant cheer others up...So whats the point....

I did have my friends next to me anyways. Been partying with them a few times lately.

had these drinks with my bestie after a long time <3

The Car. Last Saturday. Sooo awesome

woot woot

So we had this really huge party on Saturday and it was awesome, but on Sunday morning I ended up having panic attacks with crying at the same time, so I think it was supposed to be better... Just forget some things that happened there.

I've been so tired like every day, that I didnt really do my makeup, only a few times.

went partying with Sziszi ~~~

im getting to love my black lenses so so so so much
That's all for now ^^

Im out ~~~

2012. november 4., vasárnap

My autumn break. and Sziszi staying at my place. uhhhhhh

 Hey guys ~

Autumn break (at schools) in my country happened to be last week, so as usual, I travelled to the countryside to visit my relatives and friends there. Its ca. 2 and a half hours with train and then one more hour with bus. Its not really a village cuz its bigger, but still not a city, so like a small town, I dont know :D My mother spent her childhood there, so the relatives are from her side. EVERYONE KNOW WHOSE DAUGHTER I AM. Seriously. Or if they are not sure, they ask it, but still. Those kind of places where it's full of old people, and they know everything about your parents, and (in they opinion) they know everything about you too. LOL. I experienced a few funny things but thats not interesting. I left Budapest on Saturday and got back the next Saturday. ^-^ I wanted to take photos but since I spend like every school break there, I always forgot it D:< But I have some pics from last time and so on ~~

on the way

seriously my favourite view. Even if I just think about it, it makes me calm...

train tickeeeeeets

pic from last... autumn ?! or winter, I dont remember :D The only thing I know that I was freakin freezinnnnn


Perfect place for me when I want to forget all the bullshit that's happening in the "big city".
I can't wait to go back to celebrate Christmas !! <3

On Saturday, like 2 or 3 hours after my arrival back to BP, I picked up Sziszi at the train station, and after a short chat with two other friends, we went to my place ~ CAMWHORESSSS ~~~~

the official favourite, and my laptop's background. and just...AFSJFHJAH <3

Oh man, how much I hate the iPhone's front cam....

Sziszi loved dis one. LOL

dafuq am I doing in the background LOL


I had such a fun time with heeeeer >.< <3 can't wait to meet again, and can't wait to finally meet my Swagepoyo girls AT ONCE. <3

Right now I'm skipping learning kanjis and other stuff, (I did study for a few hours before) and it's almost 1 am, I have an 'exam' on Tuesday, so I'm skipping tomorrow's (REEEALLY REAAALLY) important lecture to study more. jeez. ;_______________;


I'm out ~~

2012. október 24., szerda

Usual things,partyin and a scary fact.

Yo ~~

I decided to write a blogpost since I have nothing to do and I'm bored T___T All I do is daydreaming about the clothes I'll order later this year XD

So first of all, this is dedicated to the people who are hating on me because of my face. It doesn't meet your standards, but who cares? I was always skinny, but I keep losing weight lately, and I don't know why. No matter how hard I try, I am 43-44 kg now. At the age of 18. I don't think this is healthy at all, and all my friends are worried. I am, too. Just think before u start bitching.

So tossing away all the bad things, I'm going to travel to the countryside on Saturday *w* OMGGGGGGGGGG , I'm so freakin happy!!! I probably wont be able to blog, but I'll try anyways ^^ Can't wait to see all my friends and relatives there <33333 (note: except my mother and father, and some relatives (like 3), everyone is living in the countryside so I see them 3-4 times a year TT)
but now, I'm happpyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~~~~

OHH! Something I almost forgot. Nippon Groove on last Saturday. Jeeeeeeeesus how many drinks I had. Don't even remember, friends just kept buying me drinks. It started at Loo's place, and countinued later at the party. I had so much fuuuuuuuuuuuuun!! This party is much better when u're drunk. in fact, EVERYTHINGS better when u're drunk. ewww >.<

OHH!#2 I met Xee 2 days ago. ^_______^ (he is one of my best friends <3) Had a great day with him ~~

Pictures ~~

before partyin   

with Loo

this..... I JUST HAD TO XDDD

 baibaii ~~


2012. október 19., péntek

Becoming a gyaru , November 2011-October 2012 (picture heavy!)

Yo! ^^

In my previous post I told u guys that I will make this  post, so here you go! (Warning: at some parts, u better cover your eyes,and also Im not responsible for any mental breakdowns or anything)

November, 2011. At this time, I didn't wear bottom lashes because they aren't really sold in my country. So I didn't look gyaru at all, LOL


This pic is just LOL. Still couldn't use bottom lashes cuz I couldn't get them *sigh* Also I was still stuck with my street fashion-fanatism
I dyed my bangs blonde in early January. in this picture I tried out normal lashes as bottom lashes, haha

February,oh. I think I started to improve, if even just a little bit. Still awkward tho..

not much to say, but I loved these contact lenses so much T.T

March..well...I found only one picture from March TwT I just cut my hair short and didn't show any improvement, BUT! in early April, I finally ordered bottom lashes, so I almost (really almost) looked as a gyaru should look. Maybe.



one of my first attempts with bottom lashes...well... I looked....funny.
May. I found only one "okay" pic again..

I think by this time I was okay. I like my hair here 8D

June & July! The two months I'm most satisfied with. In June my exams took all my time but at the end of the month, and early July, I WENT TO TOKYO! And it was definitely a huge step for me on the way of Gyaru ~ My makeup wasnt that excellent tho....In fact, NOT AT ALL. lol.

the day right before I went to the city of my dreams ~ LOL

And the miracle began, LOL.

After spending one week in Tokyo, I changed. like...like really changed D:

August! Freshman camp, millions of drinks, and...just summer

September, when uni started ^^ I loved being a blonde so much T3T

However, now, in October, I dyed my hair again TwT

late September-Early october, still blonde..


I dont really like it tho.... but well, this was my gyaru revolution, ~~~~
Whenever you think that u suck at the style, look at my picture, and remember...EVERYONE HAS THE CHANCE, THERE'S STILL HOPE 8DD
see ya guys later <3