2013. szeptember 26., csütörtök

News and some awesome stuff

Hey guys!

Yes, I haven't been updating again, but things were really busy for me lately, and kinda stressful too. Why am I always stressing ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ

After university started 3 weeks ago, I went for a weekend-trip with my parents, near my country's biggest lake, Balaton. I didn't really want to go first because my mom just told me about the trip one day before, which messed up my other plans for the weekend.

I didn't mind in the end, cuz I enjoyed myself a lot :) We've actually been there twice already, yeeeeeeeears ago so it was nostalgic to go back :3

can you tell I was tired? nooooooooooooe
new bf, so sexay

Unfortunately I didn't take many pictures... meh

So, my news :) 

As some of you might noticed it on my fb or somewhere, I've been pretty much neglecting gyaru style, so I decided to give it a little break :) I didn't think I would ever do this, but I really don't have spare energy to do it for now. I'll be back soon as a better gal, I promise! ^^ (dunno when though, will decide...)

Despite of that, I wanna make something beauty-related today ^^ I bought some really awesome stuff lately, so I'll share them with you ~~

First of all, this cleansing oil by Kiko Makeup Milano! It smells awesome, and feels really good! And not at last, takes off all your makeup without problems. It didn't even have problems with my super stubborn Majolica Majorca mascara D:

The next one is a skin tonic, product of Fragonard Parfumerie, France. It has orange blossom smell, and works really good, refreshing and cleaning the skin. Can also be used as a make-up remover :3

I've been CRAZY about sheet masks lately, so I bought some to try! Avocado, Snail, Aloe, Pomegranate and Green Tea! I only tried to Green Tea one yet, cuz I have no heart to open them, they are so pretty and colorful ;----; hahahaha Anyways, the one I tried was sooooooo goood! Smelled like green tea, but, A LOT. like 10 mugs of green tea. So good :3

Oh, and I just ordered new contact lenses, so excited to get them!! ^^ A pair of pink and a pair of brown :3

Soo, this is all for the second post, I'll be adding more pictures tomorrow to make it complete :3

Nighty ~~

Late post: Holiday in Italy

Hello guys ^^

I finally got to be in the mood to write about my vacation in Italy.
It happened in the middle of August, and it was awesome! I thought I'll be bored of it (well, sometimes I was haha), but in the end, I enjoyed! However, it started with a real adventure.

After we started the journey with the bus, our guide told the group that we had to change hotels, so instead of a hotel being next to the sea, we get to stay at a 4* golf club, called Castellaro Golf Resort.
Totally okay, except that place is literally in the mountains. Wasn't so pleasing thinking about what we will see instead of the sea.
And now onto the real problem. Have u ever been travelling on the mountain roads of Italy or Austria? Yes? You know what it looks like. Can you fit a 15 m long coach on a 2 m wide tiny little road, full of curves? Of course not! We ended up stuck in one of the curves and it took literally 30 minutes to get out of it. Awesome, we thought, we escaped. HAHAHA, no. We got totally stuck on the top cuz the drivers didn't want to risk our lives and also the bus' condition. Til the smaller Italian bus came to pick us up, we waited more than an hour. The place was okay (THEY PROMISED WIFI BUT MY FAMILY WAS PUT SO FAR FROM THE LOBBY THAT IT DIDNT REACH), the food was awesome! So yummy!

Yes, awesome food... our last dinner was...this (????????????) wtf xD
Sadly, guys, I cant exactly remember every pic's location, so I'm gonna throw them randomly..ready? :D

the place where we got stuck :"DD
ca. the 2nd sunburn in my life D: fell asleep during the boat trip, FML
Creepy Fish Collection Monaco

Monaco is one insane place. You can literally SMELL money. It's disgusting. xD

my face is too accurate xDDD [this pic was taken in Cannes, though]
View of Monaco..

nighttime in San Remo

Verona :)

so cute O3O
And I know, mostly I'm too lazy to write, but probably u enjoy pictures more, dont u? :3
This trip was good because I also got to spend 2 days in France. It was surprising how it really had the atmosphere of France, although it was the same coast as Italy. Loved it!

This is all for now, see you in the next post ^^

2013. augusztus 10., szombat

Panda and sushi overdose

Catch-up post number 2. guys!

After 3 weeks break I was able to see J again last week, even if it was only for 2 days.  It was awesome :) I waited almost an hour for him at the airport, because I was early and his plane was late.
We went to my place first because he couldn't check in the hotel til 2 pm. We agreed to have sushi for dinner <3

it was so gooood!
We went to a bar after to have some drinks, however I didnt feel good there, so we went home early ~We woke up to the fire alarm at 8 am =_______= I got a shock, but we tried to sleep a bit after as well. We had "breakfast" at Starbucks, and for lunch we had sushi again.

food xD
Since I call him panda, he wanted to get me a panda plushie so I will have someone to cuddle.
We went around the city but couldn't find anything. The last place we went to was a toy shop, and I couldnt believe my eyes!

I'm always telling him  how his eyes are so big so we found the perfect one!
We had to say goodbye early, but we will meet again in October. I can't wait.

Yesterday, I met one of my lovely gf's, Loo <3 I was really happy to see her, and we had lotsa funnn! And what did we have? sushi of cooourse!

beautiful!!! xDDD
After sushi, we went to have bubble tea, that's where we took a thousand of derp pictures, omg xD
Hmm, finally, some pictures of me lately :)

Tomorrow morning, I'm going to go on vacation with my parents ~ We are going to Italy first, and after that France, and Monaco. However I will only be away for one week ~ And I will have something to blog about ^^ See you ~~~

Casual clothing and casual summer

Hello guuuys ~ !

Wow, I haven't been posting for a while again. But actually, I didn't really have anything to write about. Now, I collected some stuff so i can catch up a bit. This first post will be my recent buys and the next one will be recent happenings in my life :3 Sooo, let's begin! The last few weeks I was doing a lot of "casual-shopping" because everything was on sale, and I need a lot of casual clothes to wear for uni and my future job. And I like cheap stuff hehe :3

cream samples *3*

also got my bag from Korea last month <3 First black bag of my life, haha

I ruined two pairs of contact lenses, so I had to get one asap, for Mondocon. I choosed grey ones, my favourite colour when it comes to lenses. 

I filmed a tutorial on this makeup, but still didn't have the energy, and the editor, to put it together =__=

Well, this is all I got for this post ^___^

2013. június 30., vasárnap

I'm still alive! (and claimed to Bloglovin')

Dear my loves,

can u tell me how to blog happily with a broken heart? No? Well, now I will show u! ^^
I'm really glad I waited this long to write a new post so I didnt waste my time writing about him :)
You used me, and I dont think wanna see you anymore. I don't care how hard it is. I had spent a lot of time thinking, I still overthink even in these minutes I'm writing this. But I think I just should do what u're the most afraid of - just like u did to me.

I got all my stuff from eBay *ww* omo omo !! Actually like a month ago xDD
They came in slowly after each other :3

the first set, lol

the first wig :3
and a kind-of-outfit picture with the wig x3

sooo natural o3o
Excuse me that I don't post pics of the lingerie, hahaha.
I'll slowly show more pictures of the things when I'll wear them :3
(Now it's 1 am and I'm just writing this blogpost cuz tomorrow I'm leaving for like 2 weeks so I didnt want to wait more with a new post ;www;)
I feel like I'm going thru a style-change ~  I bought a lot of casual and girly(?) clothes lately, haha. But most of the time, I go out like this:

I knowww it's a unique way to dress and I like it :3

Then, I realized that I haven't even blogged about Prague ;www; But it was long ago so maybe I wont.... T_____T
Well this is all for this post, I know it's not much after this time, but excuse me ;wwwww;

I'm out ~

PS.: !!Don't forget to follow my blog via Bloglovin', since Google Reader will shut down soon! Thank you <3
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2013. május 13., hétfő

I'M BACK ~~~ (including my recent haul ~)

Hello guuys ~~

I haven't been blogging for more than one month again... ~ Actually, this last month seemed like one year for me. I've gone through a lot, but I'm slowly recovering now. This tough time was good to realize that I have to change things in myself. And yes, finally I can feel myself growing up. I'm the only one who can make this life better. And I'm gonna make the best out of it ^____^ I have to learn how to stand on my own feet ~

So, onto the happy part ~
I ran out of makeup supplies so I decided to get some stuff I need TwT I went totally CRAZY on ebay , and bought everything I liked (yea, typical case of "imgonnabuyitjustbecauseitscheap") ==
Unfortunately I wasn't able to concentrate on makeup, so it ended up being a miscellaneous haul~


I decided to try how a bit more natural look would look on me, so I bought some natural lashes :3 I ordered one more box, but I didnt get the ones I ordered so I'm not satisfied TwT

Wigs both in light brown color ~

Legwear :3

A bracelet:

And the most unreasonable thing I EVER bought in my life

It just looked so cute ;w; And I might get to use it one day, for someone, hahahaha
Well, this haul overall costed me 38 bucks. So good right ;w; I'm so happy that I still got money left x3 Ebay is an awesome thing! I can't wait for the items to arrive ;w; (most excited for the wigs, of course haha)

Oh, and I almost forgot one thing, that it's not from Ebay! New contact lenses *w* Cuz all my old ones expired T___T (I bought them at the same time so ofc they expired "together" LOL)

The ones I picked are called "Butterfly Grey" but honestly, I dont like them much T____T I wanted different ones but I only realized they only have prescription ones in stock, when we were about to pay, so I made a last minute choice T_____________T I think I'm gonna get one more pair that i actually like, hahaha. But who knows, maybe they will look good on me .____. (*fingers crossed*)

Yea, this is it :3 I dont have pictures of me, or anything since I haven't done makeup in a whiile ~ But I'm gonna continue posting once I get all my items :3

And something I've been waiting for since agessssssss <3 My friend Taka, who I met in Tokyo, is coming to visit Budapest, and going to stay at my place for almost 2 weeks *w* I'm so excited to show him around, and so happy that I wont be alone ~ <33 Only 9 days left *w*

Well, this is all for my "comeback" post, good to be back ^^

See you ~~

PS: Don't forget to check out and follow my tumblr: xskinnywild.tumblr.com
and the other one ,with my bestie: seiifucku.tumblr.com NSFW!!!

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